Sunday, January 07, 2007

*Wonder Woman faints, giddy with excitement*

Oh. My. Gawd!

Look at what the scales read this morning!

Boys and girls, in all honesty I cannot remember when I last weighed 70-something kilograms. It was so exciting to see those numbers on the scales that I laughed, screamed and well up with tears. I was on the phone to Rob and my mum within seconds (following a second weigh just to make sure I'd got it right!). I'm sure I sounded like a raving lunatic! But bless them - they were both so happy for me.

I had plan to write about a stack of other things today but this momentous milestone takes precedent over all else. Admittedly, this milestone is about 4 weeks later than I hoped but what with Christmas and all ... who really cares! I've achieved it all the same! I still can barely believe it. I have finally cracked the 80 point something weight (which is the lightest I've ever been in my adult years even when I've been going hard core at losing weight).

"Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go!"
- Christian Larson

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