Monday, January 15, 2007

The art of eating

I check out a few lap band forums from time to time and have noticed that 'bandsters' seem to go on about SV and NSV a helluva lot. What?! For shame, you don't know what SV and NSV stands for? Gawd love us .... neither did I for about 4 months until a soul braver than I asked what the hell it meant! Simply put: scale victory and non scale victory.

I have a non scale victory. It may not be significant to some but to me it means ... well, it means a lot. I can now eat like a normal person without sliming after EVERY bloody mouthful. I have mastered the art of eating! Up until recently, I found myself sliming every time I ate ... every mouthful, every meal. Guaranteed. No exceptions. Each time I would internally sigh to myself and think that that was how it was to be for the rest of my life with the band. But! I have noticed of late that the number of times I slime has sharply declined. I now might find I have a slime once a day - mostly on new foods or food combinations - and some days ... if I'm dead lucky, I don't slime at all! This seemingly small improvement is a huge step toward being a normal, healthy, sociable being! One who can eat out with the girls without drawing un-neccessary attention to one's self. A huge relief - trust me!

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