I shed almost 30kg today.
30kg of fat clothes, shoes that are now one size too big, cheap/old linen covered in pills, trashy novels, unused makeup and a busted curling iron … amongst other things.
5 big black bin bags in total.
As a delivered the last of my payload onto the floor of my local Good Samaritan’s --blowing a stray piece of hair from my face and wiping away a bead of sweat from my forehead (lugging bulging bins bags via public transport really works up a sweat!) -- I felt a sense of achievement. It’s strange how ridding your life of clutter gives you a feeling of freedom and a fresh start ... parting with a wardrobe of plus size clothes, knowing you’ll never be wearing a dress size above the national average … well, that my friend, gives you wings!
In the coming months, Good Sam’s is sure to make me their patron saint what with all the contributions I’ll be making … as I’m rapidly shrinking and have a taste for paring down my worldly belongings …and besides, I need to start preparing for an overseas move … back to the Middle East!
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