Monday, September 11, 2006

'Soft' signs

I think I may have a little restriction … not enough to limit me to eating a piddly ¾ cup of food that is recommended (what am I … a sparrow?) but I’m relieved to feel something. I ate soup today for lunch and about three spoonfuls from finishing, I realized I had a runny nose (and the soup was not spicy … what the?!). I have read that a runny nose, a small burp or hiccups can all be ‘soft’ signs that you’re full. Hard signs being incredible chest or shoulder pain! Hmmm … I hope I’ll always listen to the soft signs but what’s the bet I’ll ignore my body signals every so often and end up in pain? I’m betting a fiver?! LOL!

Blogging will be on hiatus for a week or so what with my brief sortie to Latvia. What this does mean though is that I'll have plenty of innane stories to blog about. Oom wa ha ha! You lucky, lucky bastards!

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