Saturday, December 23, 2006

Santa baby

I am soooo excited and heartbroken all at once. I am really looking forward to spending Christmas with my girlfriend, Sandra ... but at the same time I can't believe it's going to be yet another Christmas and New Year that Rob and I are apart. Sigh. So over it.

I'm heading to Sandra's tomorrow afternoon, as public transport ceases entirely all over London from midnight Christmas eve for 36 hours! (I'm dead serious!) ... and trying to get a cab of any description on Christmas day would likely involve signing over the life of my first born as well as forking out a substantial amount of cash ... so, it's just easier and less manic to do it this way!

We're even planning to do midnight mass - at 9pm! - tomorrow night at the local Catholic parish ... carol singing, stern words and freezing cold ... it's a sure fire recipe to get us into the festive spirit!

Merry Christmas to all of you and your loved ones. May it be a peaceful, safe and happy time for you.

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