Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's over! Hallelujah!


Thank the Lord Christmas is over! You know that you’ve been indulging just a little too much when a tin of Cadbury’s Roses is cracked open and you instantly know which chocolates you like/want without even having to look at the little guide to what’s what!

Mind you, I didn’t really eat that much real food but I did manage to guts down a shite load of chocolate, cheese and red wine! For shame.

So, in the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas and the grand event itself, I put on a total of .4kg. Not great but I bloody well enjoyed it!

Here's some piccies of our cosy little Christmas day in London sans the snow!:

The Christmas tree and table setting looked gorgeous and made you want to break out with spontaneous carol singing!

Sandra standing proudly by her turkey that was sufficient to feed 7-10 people even though there were only 4 of us!

.... Any yet another shot of the bird

A little tipsy photo taking ... champagne and raspberries

The girls ... (L to R) Sandy, me and Sandra

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