Sunday, August 16, 2009

... And that's almost a triathlon ...

15km bike ride: check (a compulsory breakfast & coffee stop half way!)

5km run: check (it was a grass run and was nearly the end of me - grass running kicks your arse in comparison to road running)

1km swim: have put bathers, goggles, fins & kick board in car - if thinking it in your head counts as done; then you're looking at a supreme athlete who managed her own little mini triathlon this weekend (well almost)! Swimming as a kick arse activity is now back on the agenda - it's warmer and I could easily manage a 1/2 hr swim in during lunch time a couple of times a week when I'm in town as work isn't too far from the public pool.

And in case you're wondering ... triathlon-ic activities were performed during a 48 hr period rather than the conventional 2 hrs (why be conventional I say?!). Miss Dee is proud to announce that no people, small children or animals were injured at any point during activities (which is amazing considering my bike riding skills!).


Running challenge: day 4 & 5

10 minute run; 25 minute fast walk both days - one run was a road run (moderate exertion but felt relatively easy - max heart rate: 175bpm); the second was the above mentioned grass run (maximum exertion; quite a hard run - max heart rate: 189bpm).

85 days to go! Although I may slightly alter the challenge to have a couple more rest days than is scheduled to accommodate my back & knee problems which may mean I finish the program in 120 days - it' still exciting though!

Oh, and running shoes were purchased yesterday. I felt like I almost had to make a deal with the devil to afford to purchase the damn things though. The price? $269.95! I know! I too had to lie down when she told me the price (there may also may have been some rocking in the fetal position) ... but gosh do they feel good and I have to keep my knees happy (bossy little bastards they are!).

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